Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Not really feeling it

Wondering where I came up with the title?

Well, Ever looked at other blogs and other things in life and think "Man, do they have inspiration and it all together or what!?" If not I have!

Sometimes though looking at what others are doing or what others have can lead to discontentment. Yep, it can! Even though we are blessed beyond words. This flesh of ours can get caught up in the worldly material things. I however do NOT want to do that. I want to recognize and praise God for the blessings he has laid right in front of me.

So, I'm going to make a simple of list of the things money could NEVER buy and thank God for them all. Maybe you could do the same?

1. The love of Jesus. When everything in life fails He will not.

2. My Godly husband. Without him days would just run together and feel like total chaos. Thankful for a spirit led man to lead our family.

3. My precious babies. They can put a smile on my face even on the darkest days. I thank God so much that He trusted me to be their mother.

4. Homeschooling. This is something God laid on my heart when my oldest was only two years old. I'm thankful He is leading that path daily.

I could go on and on with this list, but I think you get the point. I could find a million things that need to improve. Things are always needing to be done in the house. Laundry, dishes, school work, but if I didn't have all the things I listed then I would be nowhere.

Sometimes, we just need to pray and wait for inspiration we are looking for.

But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. -1 Timothy 6:6-7

Monday, January 14, 2013

Mommy and silly kiddos

Today is a Mommy and Me link up from

I love my kiddos and we always manage to catch some pretty silly pictures at random times. We love pictures. Poor Daddy sometimes get drug into all the picture taking.

This one is of me and Allison taking one of those random pictures. She also loves to take pictures (only if you could peek into the camera of my iphone.)

This one is of me and my oldest, Kylee. This was last year at one of her dance competitions. Yes, this is a bathroom mirror photo.
Well, we all know how toddlers are. Can't get them to take a picture with anyone. Your lucky to even snap one with them looking at the camera. This is my youngest daughter, Emily. Well, she is the youngest for now til baby sister gets here in May.
One more of me and Allison last spring trying on Easter dresses. She LOVES to shop. Yep, she gets that one from her Mommy.
And...Pucker up!
Now you can also link up your mommy and me photos @

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Fun Favorites {Link up}

Fun Favorites  Link up @

Some of my favorites. Just for fun.

 My favorite book right now is... honestly, the only thing I'm reading these days if my daily devotion, homeschool books and blogs.

  My favorite pinterest board is..My homeschooling borard

  My favorite app is... You Version and Facebook

  My favorite hot drink is... Caramel Macchiato latte. ummm YUM!

  My favorite restaurant is...Olive Garden

  My favorite blog post is...Serving without serving loudly { It spoke to my heart the whole time I was writing it. Love when God inspires me to write.

 My favorite time of day is...Coffee time!

  My favorite way to relax is...Read and write.. while sipping coffee. Of course, those rare pedicures are also a pleasure.

My favorite season is... Winter

  My favorite vacation spot is... The mountains

Now.. Head over and link up your favorites @ ourgoodwinjourney

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Get to know you

This will be my first link up ever. I hope you all will join me. I would love to get to know all you other bloggers as well.

A little about me.. I'm married to my middle school sweetheart whom I love with all my heart.

I have three beautiful girls and one little gal on the way. Due in May.

I homeschool my children and love it. It's challenging at times, but I love the challenge.

I am saved by God's grace. I fully dedicated my life to him in 2010 as did my husband. We are a family that serves the Lord together. He is always blessing and providing.

The purpose of my blog is to share Christ's love with others and to share my passion for homeschooling and some silly family pictures. I will also write about my family. My header says it all. Faith, Family, Homeschooling.

Now.. YOUR TURN! Link up at the bottom.

My baby is 5 {A walk down memory lane}

Today's link up with is a perfect fit. It's about an old memory. Well, today my second born daughter turns five. Wow! It was love at first sight. ( Please excuse the date on the picture. She was born the 9th.)

She was just way too precious and chunky weighing a whopping 9lbs 15oz. She greeted the world at 4:41pm. Moms's forget nothing!

Her Daddy snapped the next two pictures and I just LOVED them! They have always been my favorites.
My sweet little chunky monkey turns ONE
and this is Allison today. Not chunky anymore, but still beautiful as ever!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Totally Random

Pulling some of those totally random phone pictures.. You know just for giggles.

When your mom makes you look at the camera so she can have a Facebook picture.. Yeah, I do that. Just ask my girls.

Or when you're sitting in a mess of opened Christmas gifts on Christmas day. Those are the best memories.

And another one of those Facebook pictures. I'm bad about that.

Last but not least when your seven year old takes a picture of your baby bump. Gotta love the random phone pictures.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Homeschooling on a budget {list of websites}

I wanted to share with you all how we homeschool on a budget. You know.. just in case your thoughts are how can we afford all of this curriculum? Just like I did last year which was my first year.

  We are now in 1st grade, 4k and tot school. I have found some of my BEST resources are FREE online printables! Yes, free! Now, we do have some curriculum that we also bought online, but it is so awesome to have all of these free resources. In a few minutes I will share a list of my favorite websites for homeschooling.

For my homeschool planner.. yep, you guessed it! It's all printables. I have a 3 ring binder and I print off all the things I will want to use for the school year. My planner, attendance sheet, extra worksheets and so on. Of course you can add as much as you want through the year.

A lot of our learning has came from free resources. Not only online, but the library as well. I print off memory bible verses, math sheets, writing sheets, science, social studies.

Now to share some of my favorite homeschooling websites. I also write all of them down in my binder so that I can go to them whenever needed. Not only are some of these great for resources, but also great for encouragement.

Please feel free to share this with all of your homeschooling friends.